About the Redemptoris Mater Seminary
Since October 1999, the Redemptoris Mater International and inter-ritual Missionary Seminary has been headquartered in Lebanon. Under the responsibility of a coetus of three eparchial bishops - H.B. Ignatius Youssef Younan, Patriarch of Antioch of the Syrian Catholics, H.M.R. Bishop Michel Aoun, Maronite Bishop of Byblos-Jbeil and H.M.R. H.E. Mgr Elie Haddad, Greek Melchite Archbishop of Sidon - this seminary forms young people from all over the world how to become diocesan missionary presbyters in the Middle East, in Sudan, in North Africa and for Eastern Catholic minorities around the world. In response to the wishes of recent pontiffs who have stressed the importance of the new evangelization, several bishops have already enrolled in their eparchies, presbyters trained at this institution. Some of them, of Latin origin, have received from the Holy See the adaptation to their rite of incardination.
Therefore, the international and inter-ritual context of this formation fulfils the wish of the Second Vatican Council’s Fathers expressed in the decree Optatam Totius, n. 20: "They should also be taught to use the aids which the disciplines of pedagogy, psychology, and sociology can provide, according to correct methodology and the norms of ecclesiastical authority. Likewise, let them be properly instructed in inspiring and fostering the apostolic activity of the laity and in promoting the various and more effective forms of the apostolate. Let them also be imbued with that truly Catholic spirit which will accustom them to transcend the limits of their own diocese, nation, or rite, and to help the needs of the whole Church, prepared in spirit to preach the Gospel everywhere." The Redemptoris Mater Seminary is thus a concrete way to get to a collaboration between the Churches of the East and the West.